From Challenge to Opportunity: 8(a) and Black-Owned Government Contracting Strategies
People think the 8(a) small business program is a golden ticket. Learn to strategically use your 8(a) status for better business development.
How to Find Federal Agencies Who Love 8(a) Government Contractors?
Take a deep dive into the government contracting award data for the SBA 8(a) Business Development program.
3 Paths to Federal Revenue: How to Win Federal Government Contracts and Subcontracts
✅ Here are two huge mistakes frequently made by small business federal contractors.
➡️ Mistake #1 – You rush to bid on prime contracts with federal agencies before you are ready
➡️ Mistake #2 – You don't establish a strategy to subcontract with small businesses
In this training video, Neil McDonnell walks through the process.
👉 What are the three paths to earning revenue in the federal market
👉 When to pursue each revenue path
👉 How to evaluate your pipeline against the 3 revenue paths
Step-By-Step Guide for 8(a) Success | Government Contracting
The 8(a) certification is a 'Golden Ticket' — but only if you show up and redeem that ticket. More than half of 8(a) firms either don't win a contract at all, or crash and burn after their 9th year.
Top 4 Barriers to the Success of 8(a) Small Businesses | Government Contracting
GovCon Chamber president Neil McDonnell shows small business government contractors the importance of narrowing their business offerings ('niche-down') and ignoring FOMO temptations.
🔥 How to Get Your First 8(a) Contract or Subcontract in the federal market
👉✅ Neil McDonnell and the GovCon Chamber presented a full week of live training focused on "Better Business Development Strategies for 8(a) certified minority-owned businesses". This was supplemental to the 2023 National 8(a) conference convened in New Orleans.
What Every 8(a) Small Business Must Do Today for Success
✅ How can a busy 8(a) small business owner really get the traction and federal contacting success that they deserve?
How to Get Past Federal Gatekeepers | Tips for 8(a) Small Business Government Contractors
✅ GovCon Chamber president Neil McDonnell shows small business owners how to get past the gatekeepers who are stopping them from making federal sales. Gatekeepers won't even make introductions for you or tell you what you need. They just send you back to You need to push past them if you want to secure federal sales.
Why You Must Team With an 8(a) Small Business if you want to access $50B in federal contracts
The best way for your business to access $50B in set-aside contracts is to team with SBA 8(a) certified companies. Federal contractors should really take advantage of this extraordinary teaming opportunity. Too many 8(a)s fail to maximize the extraordinary power that comes with this certification.